Contact Us

Fundatia Crestina Hanielim,

Str. Ep M Pavel, nr 3,

Beius, Bihor cod 415200,

Tel. ++40 745 505 929

Fax: 0040 359 815 074 

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  1. Ministering (Preaching, teaching, counseling) with the Gospel in churches and mission areas
  2. Extracurricular, non formal education of Roma gipsy children from Budureasa
  3. Curricular religion teaching in state schools, officially through the Educational Department (Beius - gimnazium, Budureasa – gispy school)
  4. Organizing and running summer camps for children and youth in need
  5. Working  with young adult orphans - who were raised up in orphanages
  6. Occasionally help people in need with clothing, food, gifts (Christmas, Easter and other times)

Ministering (Preaching, teaching, counseling) with the Gospel in churches and mission areas

After we were pastoring and ministering in Hungarian Churches in Romania and Romanian Church in Hungary and evangelize regurarly among the Hungarians in Slovakia, as well among Gipsyies everywhere, we are open to preach, teach and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ where we are invited and the Holly Spirit is leading us.

2.    Extracurricular, non formal education of Roma gipsy children from Budureasa

In Romania the members of Roma communities are facing the hardest problems in their everyday life: without a proper education they are not able to find a job, without a job they are not able to provide the bases of a daily living. They lives in extremly poverty, wich causes marginaliation and discrimination. In these circumstances first of all we must focus our attention on helping the education of the new generation, the children. Schooling of Roma/Gypsy children raises a whole series of problems: limited access to schooling, patchy attendance, dropping-out, marginalisation and discrimination in schools, poor marks or failure - these are only some of the commonest.

In order to help these kids, we orginize, coordinate and support regular extracurricular nonformal education

  • Character building through biblical teachings and educate them in morals and ethics 
  • Challenge and motivate the children to school education
  • Educating them in hygiene and good manners.
  • Organizing specific activities for the development of various skills

Since 2008 we have regular educational activities with 80-100 roma kids, building relationships with their parents and their church, community leaders, making them realize the importance of education.

3.    Curricular religion teaching in state schools, officially through the Educational Department (Beius - gimnazium, Budureasa – gispy school)

We are using the big opportunity of oficial religion teaching in state schools, (allowed by the Educational Law), even since 1996 in different schools in Beius, and villages around and now in Budureasa’s school for the roma children.

The parents of 98 roma children were requested in their writen request to the school Director and more than 100 preschool children are following.

4.    Organizing and running summer camps for children and youth in need

The goal of the camp project is to confront the campers with the Gospel and provide a unique experience for each participant, as well an opportunity for changes in the lives of these young people who have never participated in a camp, being unable so far to enjoy the benefits of a week recreation.

We wish to meet these needs, offering non-formal education, helping them to find their direction in life and also to give them a chance to be an impact on their families, and even the society by how they decide to live their lives.

Since 1998 more than 6500 children, teenagers and youth (most of them from families with difficulties) had the possibility to be refreshed spiritually and physically, to get a positive education and were directionated to make right decisions in their lives.

Specific activities of camps are based on interactive methods of working with children.These methods stimulate the imagination and creativity, the active involvement of children in programs; helps forming new habits, motivation for teamwork.

We try to provide suppor to help and facilitate the children in need to come to the Camp.

5.    The work with young adult orhans who were raised up in the big state orphanege in Beius includes:

  • counseling and advising them
  • helping in professional orientation and finding a job
  • helping in finding a house to live
  • helping in money management
  • helping in cooking and housekeeping skills

6.    Occasionally help people in need with clothing, food, gifts (Christmas, Easter, - ocasionally)

We are providing and helping ocasionally children, poeples and families in need with sweets, food, clothing, medical assistance and medicine.


About Us

History and calling

After the revolution from 1989 and changing of the communist system, while serving as a pastor in the Christian churches in and around Beius, we have realized the need of involvement in social life. We started with helping families in need and orphans, and organizing camps for children, teenagers and young people, as these life cycles are crucial for the formation of men of character, men of integrity who can be a real support for the society. To have an ampler impact in society, in 2001 we founded the Christian Foundation Hanielim, being a non-governmental, non-profit entity with legal personality.

The Foundation's purpose is to promote Christian moral values, increasing the cultural, artistic and intellectual level of children, adolescents and young people through educational, social, recreational methods, sporting, creative exchange.

Limited circumstances in Romania

If in the 90s Romania made itself known around the world with his orphans and appalling conditions of the orphanages, today Romania is facing a new category of orphans, called "orphans of crisis", those children whose parents have gone to work abroad. 350,000 children have at least one parent left and 120.000 both parents left. (Source: UNICEF, Gallup, Social Alternatives - 2008). We still have children in orphanages and the orphans of the 90s are adults who have problems in social and professional integration and among those children abandoned by both parents to work abroad there are many cases of suicides of the let children.

Then, 100.000 children and teens are not enrolled in school, but UNICEF says that their number would be much higher. Thousands of children cannot write, read or count. Most cases of dropout are among the Roma children. Belonging to a broken family, lack of education of the parents, their negligence, lack of a job or alcohol abuse are family difficulties that lead to dropouts.

Other statistics say that one child from four lives below the national poverty line and 8% of children are living in severe poverty. These children have no access to basic services: water, electricity, care, education and may be open to exploitation and abuse, expulsion and violence. Most affected children, as well as ethnicity, are by far those from the Roma families. Regarding the minimum wage, 179 euros, Romania is the second lowest in the EU.

Camps for Children

Hanielim since 1999 has been providing opportunities for summer camps for children.

Camps for children from families with special needs:

  • Recreation (games, competitions, clubs, etc.)
  • Sport activities
  • Cultural and artistic programs
  • Accommodation & meals provided
  • Non/formal education–  
  • 642 Children have participated in our camps since 2008.


Camps for Roma children:

  • We facilitated recreational opportunities for those who have never attended a camp
  • We offered the opportunity to develop trust, responsibility & the acceptance of others 
  • We provide accomodations, meals & transportation
  • 6,500 children served since 1999