

Lucrarile urgente

Enumeram cateva dintre lucrarile urgente care ne asteapta si cateva poze relevante:

1. Reparatii acoperisuri si schimb de tigle, leturi, coarne, folie, izolatie;

2. Reparatii instalatie sanitara, electrica si solara;

3. Reparatii sobe si montarea unui cazan de lemne si de calorifere pt incalzirea centrala mai eficienta;

4. Reparatii si schimb de usi si ferestre – cele actuale sant foarte vechi

5. Zugravit si vopsit interior si exterior; 6. Fose septice necesare.               

7. Reinnoirea inventarului: fridigere, aragaze, vesela, lenjerie, paturi, saltele

8. Reparatii si vopsit garduri si ingradirea suprafetei taberei cu garduri de protectie;

9. Intretinut si cosit curte si suprafetele verzi, defrisare padure.

10. Constructie magazie (cea veche e improptita de cativa ani sa nu cada!) si terasa pentru marirea salii de mese si a locului de intalnire cu toti participantii la inchinare si studiu biblic, evanghelizari pana vom avea o capela…

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Under Construction

Urgent Needs

We list some of the urgent works that await us and some relevant pictures:

1. Roof repairs and replacement of roof tiles, laths, ridge tiles, sheeting and insulation;

2. Repairs of sanitary, electrical and solar installations;

3. Repairs of terracota heating stoves and installation of central heating system (radiators and wood furnace) for a more efficient central heating;

4. Repairs and replacement of doors and windows - the current ones are very old;

5. Painting of interior and exterior;

6. Septic tanks required.

7. Renewal of inventory: fridges, ovens, dishes, bedding, beds, mattresses;

8. Repairs and painting of fencing and enclhe camp area with a security fence;

9. Maintaining and mowing of the courtyard, grass areas and forest;

10. Construction of shed (the old one has been at risk of falling down!) and a terrace to enlarge the dining room and meeting area for all the participants for bible study, worship and evangelization until we have a chapel ...

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